Invisalign involves clear plastic aligners that you wear over the teeth throughout the day.
Does Invisalign Really Work
Invisalign uses a series of clear plastic aligners that are customized to the teeth of each individual patient. Invisalign is discreet, so few will know you are wearing aligners. Start straightening your smile with Invisalign today.
At Northside Dental Care, PC in Peabody, we work to customize your treatment to match your needs and schedule where possible. Our professional staff aims to create a calm atmosphere for you during the appointment and treatment process. We will identify any dental issues you are struggling with and work with you to find the solution that works best for you.
Our staff seeks to create a comforting environment at the office to ease patients into the procedure. We can help prevent damage to your teeth and set you on track for a lifetime of quality oral health. At Northside Dental Care, PC, your dental health is our prime concern.
Does Invisalign really work? This treatment is often marketed as a more convenient alternative to braces, but some patients are concerned about its effectiveness. Invisalign® may sound too good to be true — patients do not have to worry about avoiding certain foods that may become stuck in traditional braces.Like traditional braces, Invisalign® is designed…
Having crooked teeth or an improper bite can affect a person’s dental health and smile, but an Invisalign® dentist can help patients achieve a straighter smile for years to come. Before beginning, patients first have a consultation with a dentist to learn more about the process. Asking questions is important for allowing patients to feel…
It might seem like crowded teeth will stay forever, but clear aligners can help fix them. There are many people who choose orthodontics today to fix their smile. Many people are concerned with how the teeth look. Crooked and misaligned teeth cannot always be prevented, but you can treat them.Crookedness and crowding happen as soon…
Invisalign® are popular for straightening teeth that are crooked. Invisible braces work well for many different orthodontic situations. The braces can fix from underbites to gaps to overbites. However, there might be some issues to think about, such as previous restorations like dental crowns. Keep reading to learn more about how your crowns might affect…
Having dental implants can correct tooth loss, which is the primary reason for getting these dental replacements. Other reasons for getting them may determine if you are a good candidate for this treatment. Knowing if you are a good candidate for dental implants can help you prepare well for your next appointments. Here are the…
Dental implants are more secure than removable dentures. These restorations can make smiling, speaking, and eating more stable. Embarrassment and awkwardness will be non-existent once these restorations are in place. Here are the details on how dental implants can serve as solid dental replacements.Osseointegration is the process behind the strength and stability of dental implants.…